Monday, March 23, 2009

BIG weekend with BIG events

Some of you may have enjoyed spring break, vacations, and rest, but not this family.  We worked, played and were quite productive this week.  (we need a vacation soon though!)  I thought I would share with you our biggest accomplishments from the last week.

Avery learned to read...

She is so smart... she just devours her books!

Avery has progressed straight from baby foods to corn dogs.

As you can see she is quite proud of her accomplishments now that she sits completely by herself. It makes it much easier to reach over and steal food, toys, and wreak havoc on her brother.

And the biggest accomplishment of all... after two short weeks in pull ups....drumroll please..... Parker is now wearing big boy underwear!  He is going to HATE me for this post one day, but I can't resist.  I am so proud of my big boy and he is so proud of himself as you can see from his crazy antics below.  

The best part of this is, maybe I can quit buying ridiculous character clothing for him now that he has the power of "UnderRoos" to appease his need for cartoon character branding on his body.

The worst part is definitely dealing with the public bathrooms.  He wants to play with the nastiest things and it is so hard to make the pee-pee land in the potty while holding him precariously on the ledge of the seat.  

Parker's joy probably stems from the fact that I act as though we have just won the lottery every time he goes. (Maybe we did... we just got back $40 a month)  He has begun singing after every pee-pee and poo-poo "I did , I did it! Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. No diapers anymore!"  I love that every major thing he does has a song attached to it. I can get this kid to do anything through singing.  I am not looking forward to the day that he realizes I am the worst singer on the planet.

I love the Zoolander pose and face he has going on in the last picture.  He is certainly Jared's son!

1 comment:

Crazy May Days said...

HOORAY PARKER!!! I am so so excited for you you get the fun life of trying to take a toddler to pee in public places while balancing a baby in your other arm to keep them off the yucky floor. Family bathrooms are a GODSEND because Molly can actually reach the seat all by herself. Whew.