Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Catch Up

Little Angels!

What a wonderful Christmas this was for Jared and I!  Watching Christmas through Parker's eyes was a blessing this year.  He had sooo much fun.  He doesn't want it to end though.  He keeps saying Merry Christmas Mama!    

The week of festivities began with his cousin Micaela coming to town for a gift exchange. This is my favorite picture of Parker...ever!  Love that little pose he is doing with his cousins. 

Then we had our annual Christmas Vacation watching party with the Bofferding's and Spitzenberger's.... fun!

Parker and Brady made gingerbread houses one night.  It was just as much fun for me and Jared because we had never made one before either.

Jared's family celebrates on Christmas Eve, so we had the whole gang at our house that night.

Hugs from Brady... I asked Parker if Brady was his best friend and he said, "No, Mama.  He's not my best friend, he's my cousin!"  Too smart for me.

Christmas Day we spent at my parent's house, after spending some time playing with Santa's toys.  Santa brought Parker an art desk and Avery got the Rainforest Bouncer.

I obviously did not take enough pictures Christmas Day.  I need my family to email me some please!  Too hectic for the camera, I guess.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas!  Our family wishes you and your a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Photos by Emily Mulkey Photography

Parker and his cousins Brady and Micaela

Monday, December 8, 2008

No Word Wednesday

Pictures with Santa

Well, Parker was not a fan of Santa this year!  He was so excited to go see Santa, and is excited about Christmas, but sitting in a strange man's lap is another story.  I figured his "stranger danger" might be a problem this year so I decided to be sneaky.  Parker is obsessed with trains this year, can you tell from the pictures below?  

So I figured the Polar Express exhibit at Willow Bend would lead to some great Santa pictures.  But NO!  Parker turned to tears and told every employee there "Don't Touch Me!!"  He made his wishes quite clear... they better stay back or beware the two year old temper tantrum.  So you will not see cute pictures of my two children together on Santa's lap this year :(

Having fun!
Still fun!

I like the trains!

Did you say sit in that strange man's lap?  Ain't gonna happen Mom!


Avery went to get her second dose of her 2 month shots this week.  She got her polio vaccine and her vaccine to protect against bacterial meningitis.  She was a champ.  She was all smiles by the time we got home.  All this controversy over vaccines has got me thinking about how lucky we are to have the option to protect our children from these deadly diseases.   (I think Avery looks like a poster child for vaccination in this picture... not phased a bit by her shots)
My mimi- pictured below- contracted polio at the age of two.  She had a pretty severe case that left her mostly paralyzed from her waist down.  She walked with the aide of knee-ankle-foot-orthoses and crutches for most of her life.  She is dependent on a wheelchair now due to a bad fall that broke both her legs.  But I can only imagine how traumatic it must have been for my great-grandparents to send their young daughter to get care in another state at the Shriner's hospital, while they helplessly waited for her to get better.  

Today, we debate over the safety of vaccines and whether our children need all of them... but it is truly a wonderful gift to be able to protect our children from some of these awful diseases.  

It is a personal decision, I know, but we have chosen to give our children all their vaccines at the recommended ages.  We have just chosen an alternative schedule to give one live vaccine and one dead vaccine at a time.  It makes it a little more inconvenient for me to take them to the doctor more often, but I feel better knowing that they are getting all their shots in a way that is less likely to harm them.  

I just want to say to all the polio survivors still living... you are truly amazing people.  Polio survivors are a unique group... I have never seen people more determined, independent and tough.  I never heard my Mimi complain about her disability.  She was determined to be independent and do things on her own as long as she possibly could.  I pray for her everyday now because I know that her life is a lot tougher now that her independence has been taken away.  

I was proud to give Avery her polio vaccine and prouder still of my Mimi who survived polio!

Monday, December 1, 2008

We have so much to be thankful for!

We are so thankful for our beautiful children this Thanksgiving.  I give thanks everyday that they are healthy.  Parker loved playing in the leaves with Aunt Brookie on Thanksgiving Day.

I am thankful for my handsome husband.  He is the best father I know!  That is saying a lot because I have an amazing father as well.  I think we all hope to be even better parents than our own, but that is a lot to live up to in my case, seeing as my parents are pretty awesome!  Jared works so hard every day and comes home full of energy to share with the kids.  He goes above and beyond to make sure Parker and Avery are well cared for every day.

Papa and Parker getting all decorated!

I am thankful for four generations of women at our house this Thanksgiving. Mimi and Granny loved on their little great-grand kids!

I am thankful that I have such awesome parents to share holidays with.  I love the pure joy and fun we share during all of our get togethers.  It is rare to have drama free family gatherings, but my family manages to achieve this 90% of the time.  The other 10% is spent listening to Aunt Brookie and Aunt CiCi fight over who is #1 with the kids and whether Texas Tech or OU deserves the big 12 championship game.  (My poor Red Raiders got the shaft) We missed our out of town family very much... but we are looking forward to seeing them at Christmas.  Jared's dad, Alicia, Maegan, Jim and Carlita are all coming in for Christmas and we can't wait to see them and have them see the kiddos.  

Thanks Mom and Dad for a great day.... why aren't you in the pictures mom?  Cooking too much, I guess.