Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Mommy Madness

I am soooo enjoying the freedom of being a stay at home mommy!  I know I have to return to work part-time in another month... but I will cherish my days off with the kids.  There are so many great activities to do with Parker at his age.  All these activities have the potential to really wear me out if Parker has a tantrum, but when he's in a good mood it makes the day fly by for both of us.  I go a little stir crazy if I have an entire day at home with nothing planned for him to do... guess that's the old teacher in me coming out.  

On Mondays there is the Arboretum's Mommy Mondays with crafts, face painting, pumpkin patch, music and tons of fun for the kids.  This week we went with my friend Julie
and her adorable kids Mollie and Gabe.  Mollie and Parker were dancing fools.  
If Parker and Mollie were to get married they would have the clumsiest children on the planet with the curliest hair... don't ya think Julie?

Tuesday is school day for Parker... which translates to sleep for Mommy and playing dress up with Avery when I get bored.

Wednesday we go to the library for Toddler Time with stories, singing songs, and crafts.  

Thursdays I can go stroller skating with Avery while Parker is at school.  See previous post for pics of that fun.

Fridays are just fun days to have play dates with friends, like this week when we had two in one day.  I had lunch with Heather and Michelle and their kiddos.  Michelle and Heather have been my friends since the 4th grade and now all of our kids are around the same age and can play together.  Then, my roommate from college came over with her son Ethan to play and meet Avery.  She has another boy on the way, so it was good practice for Ethan to be around a baby!

I could really get used to this lifestyle.  Now, if only I were rich and could afford to do more :)

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