Saturday, August 9, 2008

Dallas World Aquarium

I don't know whether I am packing our weekends full of activity to keep from sitting at home and wondering when the baby will arrive... or if I am trying to pack in as much fun with Parker as possible before he loses his only child status.  Either way, we are having a pretty good time, 103 degree heat and all.  Jared and I have really enjoyed having Parker all to himself for over two years, and we look forward to our family growing, but it is a little sad to think he'll never know what it is like to have 100% attention again.  It may be a blessing since we are spoiling him rotten, Avery may be God's way of balancing the universe again.  

We really had fun with our friends Robert, Jennifer and their sweet baby Bobby!  I remember the days when we could eat a meal with the baby sleeping quietly in his carrier... those days have left us.  

Parker really enjoyed being under the shark tanks... he said let's go swimming too.  Don't think he knows fear yet :)


diane walton said...

ya'll are too cute! i can't believe how big Parker is!!! So I finally started a blog...although I'm not very good at navigating around it yet, but it's a start I guess! Hope you guys are doing well--we miss ya'll!

The Rogers Triplets said...

You've been tagged. Check out my site. Blame it all on Julie May!