Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Fourth of July Festivities

** You will want to pause the music on the side to hear the video clip at the end.

Happy Fourth of July to all my family and friends!!

Our weekend was jam packed.  Thursday we took Parker to the zoo with Jared's relatives that were in town for a family reunion.  It was hot but we had a blast. 

Parker was a super trooper and stayed up till ten or eleven every night and took 3 hours naps to recover the next day.  He loved the fireworks and just shouted WOW the whole time.  I had to include a video clip of how cute he sounded.

Saturday we spent all day at the reunion and topped it off with dancing and dinner at Traildust.  On the way home from dancing, he decided to talk to the moon.  His imagination amazes me.  He said "Hi moon.... I can't reach you, too high.... come sit by me moon."  Too precious!
 Sunday we spent sleeping and trying to recover from our weekend.

1 comment:

Crazy May Days said...

Parker is SO cute!!!! I love his reaction to fireworks!!!