Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Novice Bloggers

Peer pressure has prevailed! I have so many friends that blog and I enjoy reading their blogs so much. I can't keep up with the awesome writers and comedians I have for friends, but I am at least going to try to keep my family and friends updated on our crazy lives.

Parker is growing so fast that I better blog and keep everyone up to date or they will be angry that I haven't told them what he's doing now. He was slow to start moving, as most of you know, but he's outrunning his mommy now. He is putting 2-3 words together now and trying to talk all the time. His favorite things are reading, coloring, saying his ABC's, and Blue's Clues.

Jared and I are eagerly awaiting our next sonogram. We want to know if Parker will have a baby brother or sister! The baby is growing (as is my belly, much faster than with Parker). This pregnancy has been a little more dramatic is the beginning, but we are nearing the end of the scary first trimester. The baby is due September 8th.... yes that means I will be swollen and hot all summer! Anyone have a vacation home in Colorado that I can share this summer?

I promise to load the Christmas pictures to our photo website soon. But here are a few photos to tide you over. Here's the link to the photo gallery too.

For those of you new to blogging, like me.... you can subscribe to my blogor save it to your favorites on your toolbar so you can check in on little P-Man.

I think he missed the memo that Christmas is not all about the presents!

1 comment:

Carole said...

Yay Heather! I love it! And those pics are way cute:)