The weekend started off with Parker's first full length movie. Jared and I decided to take him to the dollar theater so we could sneak out if it was disaster... but he loved it! Mostly he loved the popcorn, but he's been talking about Horton and his flower all weekend, so it must have made a big impression.

Then, we spent Saturday swimming at my parent's house and cooking out. He loves swimming and asks to put on his Nemo diapers to go swimin' almost daily. (maybe I will actually get a little tan this summer) After dinner we were entertaining Parker by showing him the piano. My parent's have a nice piano that they converted to a player piano for dinner parties. We put on the player piano and Parker's performer genes came shining through. He started bouncing, dancing, playing along and even took a bow at the end. It was a good 15 minutes of side splitting laughter. I don't know what we did to entertain ourselves before he came along. He seems to have inherited the performer genes from his father.
We then discovered that some of our best friends are expecting this winter... we are thrilled but won't reveal who they are just yet! They decided to make it special by telling everyone in person, which is really neat.
But I really want to dedicate this blog to my awesome husband and Parker's wonderful daddy!

Top Ten Reasons Jared Should Be Father of the Year:
1. He stays home late every morning just so he can see Parker when he wakes up and feed him breakfast.
Can't imagine why he would stay home to see me every morning... how could you resist this wake up smile??

2. He loves to read Parker stories and tuck him into bed at night.
3. He plays football and soccer with Parker anytime he's crabby to cheer him up.
4. He always makes a big deal out of talking to Parker on the phone, even when he's at work.
5. He takes turns cuddling and rocking whenever Parker is sick. He just hates it when the little man feels bad.
6. He does funny voices to make Parker laugh, like Donald Duck.
7. He loves the girl nights I have so he can have alone time with Parker.
8. He kisses my belly good night so that Avery doesn't feel left out.
9. He always says hello to Mommy and kisses her first when he gets home from work.
10. He gives the best tickles and kisses ever!
Happy Father's Day!